Talk to as many people as you can!
One of the scariest things about starting University is not knowing anyone. The trick is to talk to as many people as you can and be friendly and approachable! Even if you feel slightly out of your comfort zone, just remember everyone is in the same boat as you! Once you’ve made an acquaintance or two, don’t stop there. Use the safety in numbers and knock on some nearby flats and introduce yourself!

Don’t forget..

The people in your student halls don't have to be your lifelong friends! You are bound to find some like-minded people in the first few weeks, just be patient.

Explore your surroundings
In your first week, it’s always a good idea to get to know your surroundings. Start by having a wander around your halls, find the laundry room, reception area etc. Then think bigger- check out your route to Uni, find somewhere that will be convenient to do your weekly food shop and explore the local area. The sooner you get to grips with where everything is, the sooner you’ll feel right at home!
Don’t forget..
Don’t go alone on your outings. Take a new friend or two and make it a bonding experience!

Get involved!
There’s going to be a whole load of activities to get involved in during freshers’ week, so be sure to get involved. The freshers' fair is always a great place to see what’s on offer- let’s not forget about all those freebies!  We guarantee there’s going to be a society or sports team that interests you- so why not sign up and give it a go? Societies are a great way to meet people and also give you the opportunity to pursue your interests, no matter how quirky. We’ve even heard there’s a Harry Potter and Gin Society at the University of St Andrews. Cool or what?

Remember to budget
It’s easy to lose track of how much you’re spending during freshers’ week. Try and work out a budget early on and stick to it. An easy way to do this is to take out how much cash you think you’ll need at the beginning of each week- this way you can really keep track of those pennies! Remember you’ll need money for food shopping, socialising and other bits and bobs along the way!

Enjoy yourself
Most of you will only experience Freshers’ week once in your life, so remember to enjoy yourself and have fun!