Tuesday, 23 February 2016

4 easy ways to teach your child manners


Good manners can get you far in life. That’s why it’s important that your children learn them from an early age to make sure words such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ become second nature. However, manners don’t come as easily to some kids as they do to others, which can be frustrating for parents. That’s why here at Tutor Doctor we’ve come up with 4 easy ways to teach your child good manners and all in the comfort of your own home. They will be fluent in ‘You’re Welcome’ and ‘Excuse Me’ in no time!

1. Teach polite words at an early age
It’s important that you start the process of teaching manners from an early age. Even a two-year-old can learn to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ They might not understand what the word means exactly but they will learn the social interaction behind it. They will know that when someone gives you something you say ‘thank you’ and if you are asking for something, in order to get what you want you say ‘please.’ It’s also important as parents that you reinforce these manners back to them. For example, if your child gives you something they’ve found always make a point of saying ‘thank you’ to them. The sooner these simple manners are learnt, the more likely it is that your child will retain and use them in their everyday vocabulary as they grow older.

2. Expect Respect
A really easy way for children to forget manners is when they are not practiced or expected on a daily basis. In the same way a teacher expects a child to respect them and behave in a polite manner towards them, it’s crucial that you expect the same behaviour at home. If you let rudeness become acceptable, it’s likely they will continue this way of behaving in all areas of their lives. Make sure your child knows that you expect them to behave and speak to you in a certain way and it is likely they will respond by being kind and polite. If they choose not to it’s just as important that you reiterate the reason why you are unhappy with them and tell them what you do expect from them.

3. Set a good example
Children often pick up vocabulary from their parents, which is why it’s vital that you always set a good example. Interact with others and your children the way that you would like them to. If your child hears lots of ‘You’re Welcome’s’ and ‘Excuse me’s’ they will be more inclined to repeat your polite terminology and considerate behaviour.

4. Praise and reward good manners
Children always respond best to positive reinforcement, so make sure you are giving plenty of praise when they practice great manners. Letting them know that their behavior is commendable will not only make your kids feel happy that they did something good, they are also more likely to repeat the same polite behaviour.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

4 of the best science-based educational apps

iStock_000065026969_SmallScience is a great subject to really get kids excited about learning. With smart phones and tablets now playing a significant part in most kids day-to-day life, it’s important to try and incorporate learning into their screen time. Here at Tutor Doctor we know that apps are an easy way to do this, but with such an overwhelming amount to choose from it can be tricky to know which ones to download. That’s why we’ve found 4 of the best science-based educational apps that are full of exciting content for your children to get involved in.

Atlas by Collins £1.49
This app is great if your kids want to learn all about the world. You get seven different globes, which allow you to explore the planets, gather information about the population, understand the location of our needed energy and find out about how we affect the environment. It also has loads of physical maps to discover such as oceans, mountains and deserts. It’s certainly an informative app bursting with interesting facts.

Solar Walk™ – 3D Solar System model £1.99
If your child is fascinated by the solar system and wants to explore it then this app is the one for them! You simply use your fingers to rotate around the planets and zoom in and out of them and their neighboring moons. There are also a handful of satellites orbiting the Earth, which you can observe and learn about. Even better, this app allows you to speed up time and see the movements of the planets, either in the future or in the past. It’s a fantastic app for any space enthusiast.

Chemist – Virtula Chem Lab- iPad only £2.99
Chemistry can sometimes be a little difficult to understand especially when learning about it on paper. This is why Chemist is such a great app. Not only does it let you see the elements in action, your kids can experiment with them too! Whoever knew that practicing chemistry virtually would be so fun? Simply add a beaker, mix some solutions, stir it up, warm it up, check the temperature or pH, it’s all there. Impressive or what? The app is also really easy to use, ideal for any budding chemist.

Universal Zoom: All About Sizes and Distances £2.99
This is the perfect app to explore the scale of universe. Not only is it simple to use but it also offers an exciting tool for your child to visualise and conceptualise distances and sizes. It presents objects to scale such as electrons and planets and allows your kids to compare them. In a nutshell, it’s a super cool science app, equipped with everything any little scientist will need to know about measurements.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

4 Things to consider when choosing your A Level subjects


It’s already that time of year where students are applying for college and thinking about which subjects they are going to choose. We all know that what you choose to study at A-Level can have a major impact on your future, so it’s important to make the right decision. Here at Tutor Doctor we’ve narrowed it down to the 4 most important things to consider before making those all-important choices. So whether you’re decided or haven’t got a clue, we guarantee that these four pointers will help you make an informed decision.

1. Ability and enjoyment
It’s always important to start with the basics. Begin by mind mapping out the subjects your good at along with what you like and enjoy. The more you enjoy your studies the more likely you are going to be motivated to work hard. Having a natural ability in your chosen subjects can also increase your chances of success. However always keep in mind that A-Levels are very different to GCSEs, so make sure you do your research about exactly what each course offers.

2.Certain University courses will look for specific A-Levels
If you have a rough idea what you’re wanting to study at university always keep in mind that certain university courses will look for specific A-Levels.
Here are just a few examples:
  • Pharmacy must have: chemistry, plus at least one from biology, maths and physics
  • English must have: English literature or English language (Sometimes Both)
  • Geology must have: at least two from maths, physics, chemistry and biology
  • Economics will need: maths
This will also be similar for those interested in Art and Design degrees and it is likely that art subjects will be required. For a full list of University subjects and typical A-Level requirements click here.
3. Course content, assessment and workload
Before making any final decisions always have a look at the course syllabus- this will usually outline the content and assessment titles. This will give you a good indication to whether the two years will cover the areas that you are most interested in. You might even be surprised at how excited you can get about specific topics!
Also consider the workload of the course and the main methods of assessment. For example one subject might include lots of essay writing and reading whereas you might prefer extended practical projects. Either way it will give you the chance to weigh up what you’re best at and whether that style of assessment suits you.

4. A-Levels are tougher than GCSEs
Finally it’s important to remember that A-Levels are a lot trickier than GCSEs. It’s a fairly big jump up and you will instantly see that a lot more is expected from you. It’s crucial that you prepare yourself for this transition by being on top of your studies and not leaving revision and homework to the last minute.

How can I get advice?
If after reading this you are still confused about which A-Level subjects you want to take or perhaps you’re not sure if A-Levels are the right option for you, remember you can always get advice. Speaking to tutors, teachers, parents, college lecturers and even other family members is always a great way to talk through your options. Teachers and tutors will also be helpful if you’re not sure which subjects are your strongest. If these options don’t suit you, then chatting with a Careers Advisor can be super helpful as they always have loads of information to hand. Visit the National Careers Service for details.